Southeast Business Consultants Rep Bonus!!

4/26-4/27 Southeast Business Consultants Rep Bonus.

Total in prizes over $3,000. Based off of your sales over the two days. All sales will be pulled Monday and verified. They will randomly pull a raffle ticket and the winner will be announced Tuesday. Reps you will receive one raffle ticket per two apps. And each rep can only will once. So go out and win yourselves some free money!!

Southeast Business Consultants Inspiration for Terrific Thursday

Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. – David Rockefeller

Southeast Business Consultant’s Rules To Lead By

Leadership starts with self-control. In order to have control of your business you have to have control of yourself first. If you lose control you open the door for the same behavior for those under your leadership. You never want to lose your credibility and consistency with your team. 

Be a Heads-Up Leader. Make alertness a habit. Be sure to be ahead of the game and always know whats going on before it happens. Great effective leaders think two or three steps ahead of the game. Always know everything that is going on in your business and with your team and be consistent. 

Do Not Fear Failure or Punish Initiative. You have to make mistakes to learn from them, it is all part of a process. Know when the mistakes are made how to help the team learn from them and use it as teaching tool for the future. If you punish them for making a mistake or falling short of a goal you are creating a very extreme cautious environment and some can even become fearful to ask for help. 

Make Sure Your Team Does Not Come Up Short In The Long Run. As a leader you must push your team to strive everyday to do their best. Be determined, persistent, focused, and relentless. Keep the team on the path towards the goal they set out to complete. Always push your team to not give up, give 100% effort, and never lose focus. 

Southeast Business Consultants Leader of the Week

Southeast Business Consultants Leader of the Week

Southeast Business Consultants Leader of the Week for outstanding performance, top notch training, and dedication to her job Amanda!! Great job these past few weeks and keep up the hard work!

Operation Smile

Operation Smile

Southeast Business Consultants Successful Keys to Business

We all need to have keys to what we believe you need to be successful in the business world. Southeast Business Consultants have shared a few of what they believe to be the best daily tips they follow.

Be Competitive

Always be and do your best when your best is needed.

Have Faith

Always have faith in your own work as well as the work of the company and your peers

Be Patient

 You have to have the patience and understand that things don’t happen over night is a long process. Stay calm under fire and be yourself.


Being prepared for the situation will help to boost your confidence in the situation.


Research the material to give you a better understanding of the task you are completing

Team Spirit

Always be willing to go the extra mile to assist a colleague in need and  assure they have the understanding they need to finish the job correctly.


Be eager and willing to learn new techniques and material to help you and refresh your memory on things you may have forgotten.


You have to be loyal not only to yourself but to others you work with as well.


You have to truly and honestly enjoy what you are doing. The more you love what you are doing the more positive energy and attitude you show to your clients and peers and that can be the ultimate deal or deal breaker.

Interviewing like an Entrepreneur

Interviewing like an Entrepreneur

Southeast Business Consulting is Praying for you Boston!!

Southeast Business Consulting is Praying for you Boston!!

Southeast Business Consulting would like to offer their sincerest condolences to the Boston families and friends affected by the bombing yesterday during the Boston marathon. You are in our thoughts Boston!

Southeast Business Consulting Tuesday Inspiration

In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words:
people, product and profits.
Unless you’ve got a good team,
you can’t do much with the other two.
-Lee Iacocca

Southeast Business Consulting Announces the Campaign Cup

Southeast Business Consulting Announces the Campaign Cup

Southeast Business Consulting just launched the Campaign Cup at the U.S. National Conference in Atlanta. The Campaign Cup will be measured each quarter using the same criteria as The Leader Stats, apps, and quality cumulatively for each quarter.

The Campaign Cup were given out at the USNC, and the first recipient will keep the trophy until we calculate the Q3 winner. The quarterly winner will be announced via email and on the campaign call following the end of each quarter. The award will be shipped to the winning office to be displayed proudly for that quarter!

Last month Southeast Business Consultants and business partners hit a target of over 17,000 new accounts for telecommunications client AT&T. With this accomplishment came a champagne toast among managers on a national level. Our Nashville office is a target of 500 new accounts for the month of April. That’s an amazing start to keeping this Campaign trophy at home, here in Nashville where it belongs!