Graduating Soon or aspire to be an Entrepreneur?

Hey I just wanted to spread the word about the job opportunities we have here at Southeast Business Consultants! If you haven’t checked us out I will post some links at the bottom of the blog! Do you dream big, aspire to be your own boss or just need that “experience needed” every company is asking for? Graduating in December or May? Then call us today and secure an interview! We have several opportunities available today and as we grow our need for awesome employees will too. Personality is key here! There is always room for advancement! We offer competitive compensation for those who dream really big $$ and we offer paid training. Contact our Human Resources department at for more information and to set up a preliminary interview. You can also go to our website and apply or give us a call! Here are links to our Facebook, LinkedIn, Our Professional Page and Twitter!!! Spread the word if you know someone looking for a job!

Twitter: @southeastbiz

#tnjobs #nashvillejobs #615jobs #wearehiring #employment #opportunity #growth #business #advancement #success #getstartedhere #entrylevel #management #businessowner #growingcompany #healthlyjob #lovemyjob

Dear Construction Workers…

Dear Construction Workers,

I know you are busy across the hall. I hear all the dings, bangs and sawing. I just wonder what you are doing in there. Sometimes I image you are building robots, but I know you are making a wonderful space for our new neighbors! I met them today! Such nice people! Suggested to me an office warming party… However my dearest construction workers, I am ready for you to be done. I miss being able to breathe with no saw dust in the air, listening to the rain outside and occasionally enjoying the silence. You guys have been so nice and considerate. I even try and sneak a peak of the new office!! I am really ready for you all to be done, in the nicest way that can sound! That is all! You’re guys are awesome!

Happy Veterans Day!


Here at Southeast Business Consultants, today and everyday, we give thanks to all our military.

We want to give a special thanks to those who have fallen, those who have

been forgotten, those who have served and those who continue to serve.

If it were not for you, we would not be able to thrive as a company,

live as a free nation or breathe as a free human.

It is because of you that we are so blessed will all that we have been given,

even if what we have is not what we see as special…

Each day is special, each breathe we take is special, each meal we are so blessed

to receive and each chance we have to feel love is so very special.


Meet a Member!

a crable


Let’s all give this stunning lady a round of applause!

Can you guess her name? Sasha? No…  Tiffany? No… This lovely lady is Aileea, Leea or even Stunna!

Leea came to Nashville all the way from Evansville, Indiana! Whoa big move! You go girl!

She moved to grasp all the opportunities and events that Nashville has to offer! And she LOVES the big city!

Did she come alone? No, so glad you asked! She was supported and followed by a beautiful little boy! We will call her Prince!

We welcome her to SBC as a new Account Manager! You Rock!

Her future career goals are to obtain a position in Upper Management! So basically, she wants to be stunning in a suit! (:

She claims her favorite team night activity is going to Brett’s house for taco’s and spades… Thing is he had to teach her how to play spades… and we all know she kicked butt at it too, while looking like a pro! She’s a spade hustler! Better watch out team!

Okay, Okay… Now aside from work you must know what she does, what she like and more!

So, I guess I will dish!

When Aileea is not killing it at work (mind or body) she is keeping a happy, clean home and making beautiful memories with her little prince. We all know that has got to be one handsome little boy. I mean look at his mom, beautiful!

Her favorite color (Today, I might add. We will have to check back in tomorrow) is Lime Green. Saucey! I like it! She claims to love all neon colors, green today… purple tomorrow!

When asked if she believed in astrological compatibility.. she said, “YES!” Literally all CAPS! She is a Gemeni, with that being said… I am now a believer. She really is balanced, adaptable and man does she inspire!

So, I will have to quote this directly because it really shows her personality… Not the cats! When asked if she likes black cats she replied, “Any cat really. Color doesn’t matter. I love how sweet and independent the are, but you know no to cross them! lol”. Not even kidding, see what she did there? Totally described herself!

She claims her fears are heights, failure and rejection.

Well Aileea you are welcomed, accepted and loved here at Southeast Business Consultants. You have no where to go, but up and we will hold your hand all the way! We are glad you are apart of our Team! Can’t wait until I give an update on her!

Here’s to New Beginnings

WE’RE EXPANDING! Our office is super excited about all the changes we are about to take on! We have one new client and we will have 4 new offices within the year. Nothing better than a change of pace to really get the office motivated! Everyone in our office is really hitting it hard these days to prove we are the best of the best! 


Stay connected for updates on all our advancements!

England or Uruguay?

It is do or die for two very talented world teams today. Neither team can afford another loss, especially after losing their first games which both teams were projected to win. Of course, we are talking about England and Uruguay. Crazy to think that these two power houses are both on the verge of losing, but that’s what makes sports so exciting, right?! The men of the England and Uruguay soccer teams are out for blood and don’t want to make another tally mark in the loss column. The talk is all about Uruguay’s forward Luis Suarez. He may have just had knee surgery, but he is playing exceptionally well for having his knee at less than 100% right now. Then again, maybe the speed of England’s Wayne Rooney will cause confusion among the Uruguayan defense. Only time will tell.


By the way, for those of you unable to watch the game right now it is halftime and Uruguay is up 1 to 0 compliments of Luis Suarez’s head.


Happy World Cup!