Here’s to New Beginnings

WE’RE EXPANDING! Our office is super excited about all the changes we are about to take on! We have one new client and we will have 4 new offices within the year. Nothing better than a change of pace to really get the office motivated! Everyone in our office is really hitting it hard these days to prove we are the best of the best! 


Stay connected for updates on all our advancements!

England or Uruguay?

It is do or die for two very talented world teams today. Neither team can afford another loss, especially after losing their first games which both teams were projected to win. Of course, we are talking about England and Uruguay. Crazy to think that these two power houses are both on the verge of losing, but that’s what makes sports so exciting, right?! The men of the England and Uruguay soccer teams are out for blood and don’t want to make another tally mark in the loss column. The talk is all about Uruguay’s forward Luis Suarez. He may have just had knee surgery, but he is playing exceptionally well for having his knee at less than 100% right now. Then again, maybe the speed of England’s Wayne Rooney will cause confusion among the Uruguayan defense. Only time will tell.


By the way, for those of you unable to watch the game right now it is halftime and Uruguay is up 1 to 0 compliments of Luis Suarez’s head.


Happy World Cup!