Southeast Business Consultants Reviews Opryland Christmas

Every year, the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Resort celebrates the holiday season by decorating all of their atriums in dazzling light exhibits and shows. From illuminated wreaths to colored lights outlining Santa and his elves to delicate glittering gold dangling from the ceiling, the Opryland is a Nashville winter wonderland.

So, for our company’s pre-holiday party (our tacky Christmas sweater party is tonight!), we decided to all spend some quality time outside of the office enjoying the breathtaking Christmas views.

As we arrived, we were welcomed by a well-lit nativity set and speaker system dictating the birth of Jesus and the origin of Christmas. After spending a few minutes by this peaceful scene, we continued onwards and checked out the views inside. After we explored all atriums, our company decided to rent out a few different horse-drawn carriages to take us around the outdoor haven of light. We had such fun enjoying hot chocolate, s’mores and the company of one another.

opryland lights 1 opryland lights 2 opryland lights 3

All in all, it was such a magical and beautiful evening spent with friends. We can’t wait to see what Opryland does next year!

Southeast Business Consultants Reviews: Nashville Santa Con!

This past weekend, Santa came to town!

And he came in a BIG WAY.

Last Saturday night, Santas of all shapes and sizes gathered downtown to celebrate the Christmas season. They even brought some elves with them to join in the holiday cheer! And, you better believe that the Southeast Business Consultants were joining in the community fun!

But, first, a little bit of background.

Santa Con is a national event that makes its’ way to major metropolitan cities in the different regions across the country. From New York to LA, the participants travel from venue to venue, having themed drinks and appetizers, while enjoying merriment with one another. Over 1,000 Santas joined in the holly, jolly fun of Nashville’s Santa Con.

santa con

The Southeast Business Consultants decked themselves out in red, white and green and frolicked around Broadway with the best of them, singing karaoke, dancing to Christmas music and singing carols. Dressed as an elf, our HR Manager Lauren said being silly is an everyday occurrence for the people in the office. It’s one of the things she enjoys the most about working here. We have a feeling this is about to become a long-adored Nashville tradition in our company!

Southeast Business Consultants reviews the importance of a fit life

In today’s modern age, it’s no secret that living a fit and healthy lifestyle is beneficial to both a happy and long life.

At Southeast Business Consultants, we value our employee’s heath and we promote fitness and good lifestyle habits both in the office and in the personal lives of our employees. Some benefits of working at our company include workout availability, an extremely active workplace and a guarantee that you’ll always have a supportive friend to take a class, hit the gym and get in shape with 🙂

For example, Heather, a top Marketing Account Manager, and Teresa, our Office and Events Manager/Promoter, have pledged to live healthily and go to the gym together daily. With the help of our personal trainer, these ladies have learned the proper technique for cardio, toning and weight loss workouts. We are excited to see their daily and long term physical and mental improvements!

Post workout picture!

Post workout picture!

Southeast Business Consultants Reviews….doing business in Nashville!

Recently, Nashville was named a top 10 city to do business in America by Biz Journal. It’s economically stable, job growth is soaring and, hey, the people aren’t half bad either 😉

Southeast Business Consultants is honored and proud to be a part of the job creation in Music City. As a mid-sized marketing and business development firm, we staff quite a number of individuals and pride ourselves on our entry-level training program, which fosters growth and success in recent college graduates. This program leads them to future successful careers as organizational consultants, business owners and expansion managers, among others. We provide such a complete foundation and boast an amazing office environment and work opportunity. We love that we do good while we do well!


For the full article on our awesome city and it’s high ranking, check out the link below!


“Meet the Team” campaign introduces Peter and Cole!

peter and cole

Name: Peter Ambrosetti (nickname: Big Pete, Big P, Papa P, P-Daddy, P-Diddy, Diddy Daddy) – left picture

Hometown: he grew up in Nashville, but moved away before high school to East Tennessee. So, when he attended college at MTSU in Murfreesboro, he knew he wanted to, once again, make Music City his home!

Relationship status: Peter claims he’s married… his work.

Role in Southeast Business Consultants: he’s the self-proclaimed office “stud muffin” – in his own mind 😉

Favorite aspect of working at Southeast Business Consultants: Peter loves the “workaholics” atmosphere; it makes the work days so enjoyable!

Peter enjoys spending copious amounts of time with his coworkers, so he likes any and all team night activities.

Future career and life goals: he is working towards opening and owning his own business. He can’t wait to take his future business development and marketing firm to Europe – he’s always wanted to live in South France or Italy!

In his free time, Peter can be found dominating on the golf course. As a past professional golfer, this guy can seriously PLAY. He also enjoys being outdoors in general, listening to live music and attending sporting events like the Titans, Sounds or Predators games.

Favorite aspect of living and working in Nashville: it’s the greatest city in the South! And who would want to be anywhere but the South…. he loves that there’s always something new and exciting to do and the people can’t be beat.

Favorite food and restaurant to eat it at: Peter can be found noshing on ribs at Morton’s downtown.

Peter’s favorite color is green. Like the monsters. Yes, he believes in monsters and checks under his bed and in his closet every night before bed…

He does not believe in the accuracy of astrological sign compatibility and absolutely hates cats, black or any other color.

Irrational fear: having too many irrational fears.

peter and cole

Meet: Cole Lockwood (AKA – Papa Bear, Cole-Train, C-Section, CC, Coca-Cole) – right picture

Hometown: he is originally a Midwest boy from Keokuk, Iowa “born, bred and corn fed”.

Relationship status: Cole is single as all get out. And loves it that way.

Role in Southeast Business Consultants: he is a team lead as a business management trainee, looking to be promoted to assistant manager within the company in the next 6-8 months, when he will begin human resources, interviewing and administration training.

Favorite aspect of working with Southeast Business Consultants: Cole enjoys the fact that everyone he works with is not only his coworker, but his friend.

Cole’s favorite team night is heading to a happy hour or going to his coworkers houses for margaritas and Mexican fiesta nights! Ole!

Future career and life goals: he knows he will be happy as long as he can believe in the company he works for, make enough money to support his future family and set a great example for those around him in his life.

In his free time, this rough and ready Midwest guy likes to watch and play football!

Favorite aspect and living and working in Nashville: all the professional and personal growth opportunities and social activities, which make meeting fun and interesting people easy.

Cole loves good southern cooking and can be found at any Cracker Barrel chowing down.

Favorite color: blue – and he feels like it really likes him too 🙂

He hasn’t really looked too far into the accuracy of astrological sign compatibility. He knows that stars are magical creatures and he definitely wouldn’t put anything past those sneaky things…..

Cole would absolutely never own a black cat. Or a white one for that matter.

Irrational fear: boogers. He will literally never blow his nose to prevent himself from encountering the snotty creatures.


Get to know our team members…..Claudia and Nexxus!

“Meet the Team” campaign continues with Nexxus and Claudia!

claudia and nexxus

Name: Claudia Cano (left picture)

Hometown: Claudia is our office’s foreign female from Venezuela! She originally came to Nashville a few years ago to explore new opportunity in a new country and found her place among her friends at Southeast Business Consultants.

Relationship status: this senorita is happily in a relationship!

Role in Southeast Business Consultants: Claudia is a team leader in her department as an account management marketer. She is ready to take on more responsibility to achieve her professional goals and dreams.

Favorite aspect of working with Southeast Business Consultants: she loves the supportive and teaching atmosphere. Her coworkers are all fun and motivated, which makes her job enjoyable. In her role, she is constantly growing and has been given a new perspective on the benefits of being her own boss, which she definitely wants to be one day!

Claudia’s favorite way to spend time her with coworkers is at Bar Louie for happy hours, especially on Wednesdays.

Future career and life goals: as an incredibly driven person, she loves the idea of having her own marketing and sales firm. Within our company, she plans to be promoted to assistant manager before the end of 2014 and is excited to become an organizational consultant, traveling around the United States assisting with the development of various start-up businesses.

In her free time, Claudia spends time with her family and other loves ones, especially at brunch on Sundays. As a girlie girl, she also enjoys baking and shopping!

Favorite aspect of living and working in Nashville: she loves the community feeling of the city and that there are always outdoor events going on around the city, from beer festivals in East Nashville, to live concerts downtown.

As a self-proclaimed food lover, Claudia enjoys eating everything from sushi to Italian and Mexican cuisine. She legitimately cannot even decide which is her favorite.

Favorite color: she doesn’t have one because she firmly believes you need ALL colors to have a fun and happy life!

Claudia isn’t sure about the accuracy of astrological sign compatibility, but as a Cancer-Gemini pair in her current relationship, she can attest to their personalities working well together!

She would never own a black cat because she’s a dog person….no offense, cats 🙂

Irrational fear: Claudia absolutely hates answering phone calls from “unknown” or “blocked” numbers. She also is scared of any kind of bug and that there is a booby trap  or something dangerous set to kidnap her when she walks around in the dark…. she always needs the lights on!

claudia and nexxus

Name: Nexus Campbell – but this diva added another “x” when she was a teenager and it’s stuck ever since! (right picture)

Hometown: Charleston, Missouri and she moved to Nashville with her mom to be closer to her extended family.

Relationship status: Nexxus is forever single! She’s loving the fun and care-free nature of her independence and freedom 🙂

Role in Southeast Business Consultants: this chick is an entry-level account manager, working her way up through the company structure to personal and workplace management. She’s a recently promoted team lead, also!

Nexxus’ favorite aspect of working at Southeast Business Consultants is the fun and supportive atmosphere and the wonderful mentors, who are dedicated to bettering her and her coworkers. She also loves the idea of making money based on her performance and ability.

Favorite team night activity: she enjoys hitting up the happy hour hot spots like Bar Louie and Hooters — they’re great for some good food, conversation and laughs!

Future career/life goals: though she’s a girly girl, Nexxus has another side that makes her dream job being a gunsmith and arms dealer.

In her free time, Nexxus enjoys escaping into a good book. You can typically find her holed up at Barnes & Noble or in the library reading about topics ranging far and wide. Oh, and this little lady loves her vampire loves stories!

Favorite aspect of living/working in Nashville: like her coworkers, this southern girl loves the amazing food options the city provides! From Southern comfort food to pizza and sushi, Music City is the perfect place for a foodie like Nexxus.

Favorite food and place to eat it at: Chinese food and she’ll eat it anywhere!

Nexxus’ favorite color is olive green because it looks awesome with her skin tone.

She does not believe in the accuracy of astrological sign compatibility and would definitely own a black cat because they’re awesome! Perhaps she’ll keep her single tendencies and host a haven for adorable kittens?? 😉

Irrational fear: Nexxus is deathly afraid of any animals or bugs that are red. They remind her of poison and she’s also terrified of being randomly poisoned through her food or a bug bite!

Congratulations Heather!!

A HUGE congratulations to our account management marketer, Heather Karst, for her AMAZING placement as the TOP 4TH highest ranked (and therefore paid) sales representative in the nation within our company!!

heather selfie

Competing with individuals in much larger and more lucrative markets, Heather has proven herself to be a consistent, dedicated and motivated sales force….and clearly one to be reckoned with at that.

heather top 4

We are so proud of this lovely lady and can’t wait to see all of the amazing feats she accomplishes with Southeast Business Consultants! Go Heather!

Southeast Business Consultants Reviews “The digital age in 2014”

It’s no secret that the digital age runs rampant among the current generation. The Internet provides ample opportunities for individuals to stay connected with their friends, family, acquaintances and general content. However, social interactions are not the only ones enjoying these entertainment and media conveniences; they are also beneficial to businesses as they allow easier reach to customers and clients when spreading their product or service. Social media has exploded for personal and professional uses alike; and, as 2014 rapidly approaches, these sites will only continue to grow in popularity as viable marketing channels for companies of all sizes and locations.

In the following article, the author discusses the use of various new social applications in this digital age. And, as it mentions 91% of all adults are within an arms length of their mobile device 24/7, it is more important than ever for businesses to join the social revolution and maximize these tools.

Our company recently joined Vine and we are also looking at the benefits of these other mentioned content apps.

So, as the new year approaches, will you be updating your digital marketing…. or will you be left using traditional methods dying that are dying faster than an iPhone battery?

Comment below!

Work from the heart

As I perused the my email this morning, I came across a great quote at the bottom of the signature on one of Southeast Business Consultants’ client’s emails. It went like this:

“When you’re taking care of the customer, you can never do too much. And there is no wrong way … if it comes from the heart.”

– Debbie Fields

I couldn’t help but think what a fantastic company to take care of their customers with a mission like that. And, it also made  me think of my own company’s clients and how we interact with them. You see, in a marketing field, clients are much like customers, and we take care of them in a similar fashion. When your heart is in your work, everyone benefits!

#workfromtheheart #compassion #loveyourjob #clientcare
