Congratulations, Sarah!!

Southeast Business Consultants is so proud to announce the promotion of Sarah Rankin to Assistant Manager!

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Sarah is originally from Seneca, South Carolina and loves her life in the South. Sarah attended Lee University in Cleveland, TN where she studied Public Relations. After deciding to accept an Account Management position with Southeast Business Consultants, Sarah made the daring move to Nashville from her small town.

Since coming to Nashville seven months ago, Sarah has excelled both professionally and socially. Not only is she an extremely motivated worker, she is also a self-proclaimed sushi connoisseur and loves exploring new brunch places around town. Sarah can be found shopping at Green Hills or Opry Mills, getting her nails done, or hanging out with her SEBC co-workers on Demonbreun.

The office is so excited for Sarah; her innate ability to lead and inspire those around her will bring her unending achievement in every aspect of her life. She is truly an asset to Southeast Business Consultants and we are so humbled to be able to celebrate her many impressive accomplishments with her.

Sarah would like to thank her mentors, Brett and Hannah, her wonderful team of leaders, and the office staff for assisting her along her path to amazing success. Sarah’s future goal is to be an organizational consultant within the next five years.

Thank you speech

Thank you speech

Congratulations, again, to Sarah! We love you and are more proud than you know.

Operation Smile: the philanthropy behind the business

Myself and my co-workers at Southeast Business Consultants love working for our company for so many reasons. We have fantastically intelligent leaders and bosses, the ideal friendly and open environment in which we are encouraged to learn and grow, and an advancement structure that guarantees reward and success. Our daily tasks are more celebrated accomplishments rather than simple jobs, and we take great pride in the service and product we provide to both our clients and their customers.

As marketers and business developers, our company is second to none. And, as philanthropists, we boast heavy involvement, as well.

Southeast Business Consultants has adopted the international “Operation Smile” campaign to help raise funds and awareness for clef lips and palates, especially in the youth. And, with approximately 1 in 500 children globally born with this disfiguration, we know every step we take for the cause is making a huge difference.


Here are the facts:

1) 1 in 10 children born with a clef die before their first birthday.

2) 12% of children born with clefs die under the age of 5.

3) Craniofacial disorders affect more children ever year than all childhood cancers combined.

4) Babies born with clef palate are often low birth weight and have trouble taking in nutrients through traditional feeding methods.

5) Children with a clef palate who do not receive surgery by age 10 will have lifelong speech issues.

6) In some developing countries, there is only 1 surgeon for every 400,000 people.

With these overwhelmingly disturbing and incredibly saddening statistics, Southeast Business Consultants maintains the importance of our involvement in “Operation Smile”. Our dedication to this organization gives our daily business practice a higher level of purpose. As a compassionate group of givers, Southeast Business Consultants is committed to assisting in providing lasting solutions that allow the children of the world to be healed and cared for, regardless of financial standing.
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*Statistics provided by

Midday salvation: the lunch hour

Working a 40+ hour week can be draining and exhausting. When a normal day starts early in the morning and lasts until the late hours of the night, it’s easy to feel worn out and sluggish by midafternoon.

But, alas! There is a small bit of salvation employees can look forward to around midday. That’s right; the lunch hour can be used as a “mini vacation” to rejuvenate and relax during the long, tedious hours of the workday.

As the typical lunch hour slowly becomes shorter and shorter, here are some innovative ways to maximize your time and provide you with a necessary break to regain your energy and effectively resume your daily responsibilities (via LifeClever).

lunch hour

  1. Put it on your calendar To avoid getting stuck in back-to-back meetings all day, schedule your lunch as if it’s a meeting in itself. On shared calendar systems like MeetingMaker or iCal, make sure the office can see that you’re booked at this time. Your lunch is sacred, so don’t allow anyone to book meetings with you during this time.
  2. Eat lunch at the same time everyday Once it’s on your calendar, eat lunch consistently everyday at the same time. This keeps your body in a rhythm, but it also trains your office to know when you’re unavailable.
  3. Go an hour later or earlier Beat the long lines, by going to lunch during off-peak times, such as 11am-noon or 1–2pm. You’ll get speedier service and no stress-inducing crowds. Since you’ll be in the office while everyone else is eating, you’ll also get fewer interruptions and more time to work.
  4. Automate lunch choices with the Wheel of Food Stop wasting time deciding where to eat. Spin the Wheel of Food, and let it pick for you.
  5. Yelp it Once you land on a restaurant, use review sites such as Yelp to research it. Keep an eye out for reports of stuck-up waitresses, disgusting food, and breeding cockroaches.
  6. Map it Avoid spending your lunch time getting lost while trying to find the restaurant.
  7. Ditch your phone Eliminate interruptions and compulsive text-messaging by leaving your mobile phone at work. I admit, this is my worst habit. It takes away time from truly enjoying a delicious meal. And when other people are with me, it’s just plain rude.
  8. Don’t bring work to lunch Laptops, work files, and meeting notes should also remain at the office. Don’t work, eat!
  9. Eat away from your desk To fully separate work from lunch, eat away from your desk. You’ll avoid the temptation to check email, take phone calls, or browse gossip sites. Plus, it keeps your desk clean and free of crumbs.
  10. Don’t overeat You must enjoy the pleasure of eating, but be careful about overstuffing yourself. If you get too full at lunch, you’ll enter into a food coma when you return to work. So instead of being alert and more efficient, you’ll just be drowsy and unproductive.
  11. Eat slower It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register when you’re full. So to avoid overeating, eat slowly for 20 minutes before deciding if you’re still hungry. This helps you avoid unpleasant food comas. And according to scientists in fancy lab coats, it also helps you lose weight.
  12. Take the full lunch break Done eating before your lunch hour is up? Don’t rush back to the office. Take the rest of your break to take a walk, read a book, or twirl under the sun. Do anything, except work.
  13. Pack your lunch To make more time available for relaxation during your lunch hour, pack lunch ahead of time. You’ll avoid the hassle of dealing with restaurants, and it’ll save you money.
  14. Get a frequent diner card If you visit the same restaurant often, ask for a frequent diner’s card. Besides saving you a little bit of money, you’ll get treated better as a regular customer.
  15. Make lunch dates Make your lunch more enjoyable and social by going with friends. Just try not to talk about work.

Interview innovation

Looking for a new job can be a daunting task. From searching for different, interesting companies to work for to perfecting the resume and cover letter to the actual application process, so much energy and effort is required to foster success. And, that procedure is only about half of the battle.

After submitting a compelling and unique application, receiving an initial interview with the company’s hiring managers is the goal. The importance of this interview cannot be stressed; all the careful preparation time for the actual application also needs to be applied to this next step. Being organized and well practiced is essential to winning that sought-after career with that amazing company.

So, how can you ensure that you’ll leave the absolute best impression? Follow some of my simple pre, during and post interview tips and take your future into your own hands!interview


Practice your interview on a friend or family member. Have them ask you a variety of questions and then evaluate your answer together, improving if necessary. If no one is available to help you, record yourself answering questions and review to ensure that you are noticing your strengths and improving your weaknesses.

Research the company with whom you are interviewing. Chances are, the hiring manager will ask why you applied for the role; they’re looking for candidates who did their homework and believe in the mission of the company. Knowledge of their history will show you are serious about the position.

Finally, make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep, prepare a workplace-appropriate outfit, eat a balanced meal and arrive at least 20 minutes early (there may be paperwork to complete). Oh, take some deep breaths and have faith in yourself!

During Interview

Eye contact is an absolute necessary component in a successful interview. This exudes vital characteristics like confidence, trustworthiness and respect.

Answer any questions honestly. When you speak from honest experience, your answers are so much more genuine. The interviewer wants to get to know YOU, so make sure the real you is what they able to perceive.

Even though you’re the one being interviewed, it is important to question the hiring manager, as well. Questions about the company’s policies on overtime, what the office environment is like and the potential to further skills training or education with the company show the interviewer that you are a promising employee, committed to being engaged in the workplace.

If you have a cough, have a bottle of water handy. If your nose is running, arm yourself with Kleenex and hand sanitizer. Minor preparations such as these show that you are ready for anything.

Sit up straight, don’t fidget or play with your clothes/hair, smile frequently and don’t shake or tap your foot. Remember that first impressions are everything and be yourself!


Contact the interviewer the next day and thank them for their time. If you feel comfortable, ask approximately how long until you’ll hear back regarding the position.

In the meantime, continue to improve your resume, cover letter and interviewing skills; there’s always a possibility they’ll ask for a second interview before making any hiring decisions. And, typically, these second interviewers will involve more people. Being prepared is always encouraged!

Good luck!

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Best brain foods for the business professional

Too often, I find myself interacting with business professionals who complain about feeling as though they’re not able to utilize their full creative potential, a feeling of brain lag throughout the day or simply being too mentally tired to think.

Of course, most would counter these complaints with a standard, “Get more sleep at night.” or, “Work out and drink coffee or tea for the caffeine more often.”

However, when there already aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish every necessary task, these solutions may not be an option. BUT, there is hope, because there’s another surefire way to ensure higher levels of brain activity. As it turns out, the food and drink consumed throughout the day can play a major role in increasing intellectual productivity. So, after some delicious research, I’ve compiled a list of the best brain foods; who knows, maybe you’ll find a new tasty favorite, all while enhancing your thought capacity! Warning: list has been known to cause hunger.

Avocados     Bananas     Lean Beef     Brewer’s yeast     Broccoli     Brown rice     Brussels sprouts     Cantaloupe     Cheese     Chicken     Collard greens     Eggs     Flaxseed oil     Legumes     Milk     Oatmeal     Oranges     Peanut butter     Peas     Potatoes     Romaine lettuce     Salmon     Soybeans     Spinach     Tuna     Turkey     Wheat     Yogurt

brain food

As you can see, many of the foods are natural fruits and vegetables; this is because complex carbohydrates such as these take longer to break down and, therefore, provide a slower, steady stream of necessary vitamins and minerals to the brain. This consistency allows the mind to be continually alert and active, making success more attainable!

Southeast Business Consultants supports a healthy and productive lifestyle for all its employees; some of the office’s personal favorite brain foods are avocados, spinach, eggs, broccoli and turkey. And, adding just a few of these foods to a meal has the potential to enhance your thought process tenfold. So, join SEBC and improve your mind!

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Brain food pyramid, an essential to any triumphant business professional!

Get creative; avoid the Friday slump!

We’ve all been there; it’s late Friday afternoon at the business office and the hours are seeming to just drag by.

On Fridays, the clock ticks a little slower. Phone calls come less frequently. Emails take longer to send and receive. Interns move slower. Surfing the Internet suddenly becomes more fun. Distractions are everywhere (what was that?). Time legitimately slows down on this final day of the week. Everyone is looking forward to the weekend and focus has completely gone out the window.

And the age-old question is, once again, brought up: how, as the head of a company, can an employer keep his employees working diligently and happily on a Friday afternoon?

After staring at my computer screen and pondering this thought (a typical Friday afternoon office occurrence, I assure you), I decided it all comes down to a boss’s ability to inspire and, at some crucial times, entertain.

Keeping worker morale high on the last official day of the work week is absolutely essential to maintaining a consistent level of performance. This could come in the form of encouraged afternoon breaks to grab a quick treat like frozen yogurt outside of the building. While some offices have even been as innovative as to establish a mid-Friday game times or sponsored “happy hours”, other companies support a positive performance review before employees return for the last few hours of the work week.

Whether you motivate your employees to keep concentration and production levels high through inspiration or entertainment, it is becoming increasingly necessary to boost the enjoyment level in the office on Fridays. So, get creative and keep those worker bees tending to the honey!

Smile! It's Friday!

Smile! It’s Friday!

A New Coalition

While discussing the new frontier of a sales and marketing coalition, a friend in the retail industry asked me how she could integrate a marketing mindset into her everyday sales role.

She was surprised when I mentioned how similar marketing and sales really were.

“The only real difference,” I said, “is consumers typically believing salespersons to be more arrogant.”

When she asked me to further explain my statement, I told her that I recently read an article regarding the downfalls of sellers without a marketing mindset. This occurs when the salesperson doesn’t center their pitch on the needs and wants of the customer. When the person buying the product feels pressured or as if the seller only wants to enhance their numbers, they are less inclined to purchase what is being sold. The product or service must be geared towards the buyer or it will fail in the marketplace.

This, of course, becomes easier when working with a parent company supporting a mission that recognizes that the client is the most important aspect of the business. And this occurs when a marketing mindset is applied to sales. The main purpose of marketing is to create a brand that keeps customers loyal; the ideal brand is a combination of worthwhile product and trustworthy service. When companies make an effort to meet this basic goal, their marketers and salespeople have more efficient tools to understand and meet the desires of the consumer on a higher level.

The most effective business strategy is one that ensures the customer is always put before the numbers. It becomes less about the salesperson simply selling a product and more about the purchaser receiving the best service in the industry.

sales marketing

Southeast Business Consultants is proud of our consistency in taking this approach when dealing with any marketing or sales ventures for our various clients. It has definitely attributed to the tremendous success of the firm; the business strategy the office provides those we work with is second to none!

To get involved with SEBC, please email:

Business social media: fab or fad?

I recently read a couple articles about the emergence of social media in the office and workplace. The most prominent in my mind was by Nashville-based advertising guru, David Bohan, in a column he authored for the city’s newspaper, The Tennessean. Bohan regularly writes for the newspaper and I, too, regularly invest in reading his messages. And, after seeing nothing but social media business praise, I couldn’t help but be amazed at how valuable these websites have proven to be, both personally and professionally.

Some of the more popular and established social media websites range from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter and the more recent Vine. Some less recognized but still incredibly useful sites, EFactor, Naymze and Tumblr/Flickr, provide businesses with exclusive connectivity, advanced address booking and new inter/intra marketing opportunities.

Whatever the specific purpose may be, all of these sites share one vitally common goal: to keep people connected.

Whether it’s through a messaging service or a photography/videography sharing site, social media provides the perfect way to stay in contact with friends, family and now business partners and associates, near and far. Taking part in someone’s social media shows a commitment to that person’s life; seeking out  a business’s social media shows an investment in that company’s business practice and general longevity.

In the most basic terms, social media allows people and businesses to better get to know one another on a more personal and “real” level.

I predict that the simplicity of use and the incredible positives will make social media website adoption in the business office a legitimate game changer. Business to business, the sites will open up new communication channels and enhance the respect between companies working together. Business to customer, social media has the power to establish a unique and strong relationship built on transparency and trust.

Those with deep business-savvy use ingenuity to discover ways to enhance B2B and B2C affiliations by using the websites as tools to communicate, market and create intimate alliances within a company’s business and personal circles.

So, no matter your age or the maturity of your company, embrace these websites. They’re no fad; social media is fab and here to stay!

Meet our new Administration team member, Teresa!


Teresa is a South Dakota native who packed up and moved to Nashville after graduating from USD in May. She was a Contemporary Media & Journalism (Marketing and Broadcast Journalism) and …Political Science double major with minors in Spanish and International Studies.

She enjoys running, reading, live music, exploring Nashville (Downtown, Midtown and Music Row are her favorites!), and OF COURSE hanging out in the office and around town with all of her lovely coworkers at SEBC!

Teresa is excited to begin her career with SEBC and is especially looking forward to gaining experience in such a fun business environment. Join us in welcoming Teresa to our amazing team!!

Find success and fulfillment in your career

I recently read an article about the worst companies in America to work for, and it got me thinking; with the freedom to chose from a wide array of professions, why would someone stay in an unsatisfactory job situation?

Whatever the individual answer, it’s important to always remember that the level of personal accomplishment is directly proportional to the action taken to advance it. Recognizing the innate ability to change and enhance any current situation is the first step to reaching full potential.

That’s one of the aspects about Southeast Business Consultants that is so refreshing in an employment landscape overwhelmingly filled with drab companies and horrible bosses. At Southeast, the team mentality  provides a desirable work environment and the leadership takes a unique interest in each individual member. Employer and employee are inapplicable terms; this group is more like a cohesive unit, working together for mass levels of achievement.

More often than not, opportunity is actively hiding rather than knocking on the door. It becomes absolutely necessary to go out and take charge of your career and life. Make it a goal to seek personal contentedness through success and a fantastic career path.

So, remember, the control over your job satisfaction isn’t objective; it’s entirely idiosyncratic and changeable. Find the fulfillment the team at Southeast Business Consultants has and start reaching your amazing career potential.

For employment inquiries, please contact
